Placenta Encapsulation - Natural Postpartum Support Sweet Beginnings LLC

Placenta Encapsulation - Natural Postpartum Support Sweet Beginnings LLC

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postpartum care, vaginal birth, postpartum doula, postpartum nurse, vaginal delivery

Encapsulación de Placenta

Please contact our office at (702)349-2135 to learn more about this service.

The placenta is an organ that your body grows to house, nourish, deliver oxygen, and support your baby’s well-being during pregnancy. Encapsulation is derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine, where your placenta is thoroughly cleaned, steamed, and dehydrated and then finely ground up and placed into capsules for postpartum use. While research is still ongoing many moms have reported an increase in milk supply, energy, iron levels, and even hormonal balance and the prevention of baby blues while taking the capsules.

Your placenta will be prepared and encapsulated by our placenta specialist.

You can choose one or more of these options:

  • Cápsulas
  • Tintura
  • Recuerdo de cordón
  • Artistic placenta prints
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